A. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 P.M. B. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. CITIZEN'S COMMENTS The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the Commission on issues that are not the subject of a public hearing. Items requiring a public hearing are clearly marked as such on the agenda, and citizens and visitors will be allowed to speak on those items during the public hearing.
SP13 0005 - Kids R Kids at Victory Park Consider a request for a Site Plan to develop a day care center. The property is generally located south of Justin Road and east of Country Meadow Drive.
RP13-0010 - North Lake Highlands Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for a Replat to create a residential lot. The property is generally located east of Sleepy Lagoon and south of Moon River.
RP13-0013 - Whisper Hollo w Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for a Replat of Lot 1, Block B, of the Foxborough Hollow Addition and Lot 21, Block B, of the Whisper Creek Addition to adjust the common property line between the two existing lots. The property is generally located north of Foxborough Trail and west of Round Rock Way.
RP13-0016 - Creekside at Heritage Park, Phase One Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for a Replat to create an X-lot to be dedicated to the Homeowners' Association for open space and landscaping. The property is located generally east of Garden Ridge Road and south of Flower Mound Road.
6. MPA13-0006 - Hilliard Tract Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for a Master Plan Amendment to amend Section 1.0, Land Use Plan, to change the current land use designation from Low Density Residential and Estate Residential uses to Medium Density Residential uses. The property is generally located west of Lake Forest Boulevard, east of Long Prairie Road, and north of Aberdeen Drive. 7. ZPD13-0007 - Hilliard Tract Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for rezoning from Agricultural District (A) uses to Planned Development District-129 (PD-129) with Single-Family District-10 (SF-10) uses. The property is generally located west of Lake Forest Boulevard, east of Long Prairie Road, and north of Aberdeen Drive. F. ADJOURNMENT
A. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 P.M. B. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. CITIZEN'S COMMENTS The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the Commission on issues that are not the subject of a public hearing. Items requiring a public hearing are clearly marked as such on the agenda, and citizens and visitors will be allowed to speak on those items during the public hearing.
SP13 0005 - Kids R Kids at Victory Park Consider a request for a Site Plan to develop a day care center. The property is generally located south of Justin Road and east of Country Meadow Drive.
RP13-0010 - North Lake Highlands Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for a Replat to create a residential lot. The property is generally located east of Sleepy Lagoon and south of Moon River.
RP13-0013 - Whisper Hollo w Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for a Replat of Lot 1, Block B, of the Foxborough Hollow Addition and Lot 21, Block B, of the Whisper Creek Addition to adjust the common property line between the two existing lots. The property is generally located north of Foxborough Trail and west of Round Rock Way.
RP13-0016 - Creekside at Heritage Park, Phase One Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for a Replat to create an X-lot to be dedicated to the Homeowners' Association for open space and landscaping. The property is located generally east of Garden Ridge Road and south of Flower Mound Road.
6. MPA13-0006 - Hilliard Tract Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for a Master Plan Amendment to amend Section 1.0, Land Use Plan, to change the current land use designation from Low Density Residential and Estate Residential uses to Medium Density Residential uses. The property is generally located west of Lake Forest Boulevard, east of Long Prairie Road, and north of Aberdeen Drive. 7. ZPD13-0007 - Hilliard Tract Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for rezoning from Agricultural District (A) uses to Planned Development District-129 (PD-129) with Single-Family District-10 (SF-10) uses. The property is generally located west of Lake Forest Boulevard, east of Long Prairie Road, and north of Aberdeen Drive. F. ADJOURNMENT