CITIZEN'S COMMENTS The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address ihe Commission on issues that are not the subject of a public hearing. Items requiring a public hearing are clearly marked as such on the agenda, and citizens and visitors will be allowed to speak on those items during the public hearing.
COMMISSION MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements and brief discussion regarding recent and upcoming civic and social events, board or commission issues, informational update on Town projects and/or proposed Town projects, reports about contacts with other groups and/or individuals about Town issues, projects, and/or proposed projects, and informational responses to questions and information sharing.
Minutes of May 9, 2011 Consider approval of the minutes of the May 9, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Session and Work Session.
RC 02-10 - Montalcino Estates, Phase I Consider a request for a Record Plat to create a residential subdivision. The property is located north of Cross Timbers Road and west of Tour 18 Drive.
RC 02-10 - Montalcino Estates, Phase I Consider a request for a Record Plat to create a residential subdivision. The property is located north of Cross Timbers Road and west of Tour 18 Drive.
RP 03-11 - Kyle Family Addition Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for a Replat to create a residential subdivision. The property is located at the southeast corner of Scenic Drive and Wichita Trail.
SP 09-10 - First Korean Baptist Church Consider a request for a Site Plan to develop a church building. The property is located at 200 Flower Mound Road.
MP A 01-11 - Wellington Manor Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend Section 1.0, Land Use Plan, of Master Plan 2001 to change the current land use on the Land Use Plan Map from Retail to Medium Density Residential. The property is generally located along the northeast quadrant of Bruton Orand Boulevard and Flower Mound Road. ZPD 03-11 - Wellington Manor Pubtic Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for rezoning from Planned Development District-81 (PD-81) with Retail District-2 (R-2) uses to Planned Development District-117 (PD-117) with Single-Family District-10 (SF-10) uses. The property is generally located along the northeast quadrant of Bruton Orand Boulevard and Flower Mound Road.
LDR 01-11 - Mixed Use Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations by amending Section 98-897, "Relationship to the Town's Master Plan," and Section 98-898, "Applicability and Location," of the Code of Ordinances to limit Mixed Use development to Specific Plan Area 8 (SPA 8). (This item was tabled indefinitely at the March 28, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.)
LDR 01-11 - Mixed Use Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations by amending Section 98-897, "Relationship to the Town's Master Plan," and Section 98-898, "Applicability and Location," of the Code of Ordinances to limit Mixed Use development to Specific Plan Area 8 (SPA 8). (This item was tabled indefinitely at the March 28, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.)
LDR 01-11 - Mixed Use Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations by amending Section 98-897, "Relationship to the Town's Master Plan," and Section 98-898, "Applicability and Location," of the Code of Ordinances to limit Mixed Use development to Specific Plan Area 8 (SPA 8). (This item was tabled indefinitely at the March 28, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.)
LDR 01-11 - Mixed Use Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations by amending Section 98-897, "Relationship to the Town's Master Plan," and Section 98-898, "Applicability and Location," of the Code of Ordinances to limit Mixed Use development to Specific Plan Area 8 (SPA 8). (This item was tabled indefinitely at the March 28, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.)
LDR 01-11 - Mixed Use Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations by amending Section 98-897, "Relationship to the Town's Master Plan," and Section 98-898, "Applicability and Location," of the Code of Ordinances to limit Mixed Use development to Specific Plan Area 8 (SPA 8). (This item was tabled indefinitely at the March 28, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.)
CITIZEN'S COMMENTS The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address ihe Commission on issues that are not the subject of a public hearing. Items requiring a public hearing are clearly marked as such on the agenda, and citizens and visitors will be allowed to speak on those items during the public hearing.
COMMISSION MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements and brief discussion regarding recent and upcoming civic and social events, board or commission issues, informational update on Town projects and/or proposed Town projects, reports about contacts with other groups and/or individuals about Town issues, projects, and/or proposed projects, and informational responses to questions and information sharing.
Minutes of May 9, 2011 Consider approval of the minutes of the May 9, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Session and Work Session.
RC 02-10 - Montalcino Estates, Phase I Consider a request for a Record Plat to create a residential subdivision. The property is located north of Cross Timbers Road and west of Tour 18 Drive.
RC 02-10 - Montalcino Estates, Phase I Consider a request for a Record Plat to create a residential subdivision. The property is located north of Cross Timbers Road and west of Tour 18 Drive.
RP 03-11 - Kyle Family Addition Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for a Replat to create a residential subdivision. The property is located at the southeast corner of Scenic Drive and Wichita Trail.
SP 09-10 - First Korean Baptist Church Consider a request for a Site Plan to develop a church building. The property is located at 200 Flower Mound Road.
MP A 01-11 - Wellington Manor Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend Section 1.0, Land Use Plan, of Master Plan 2001 to change the current land use on the Land Use Plan Map from Retail to Medium Density Residential. The property is generally located along the northeast quadrant of Bruton Orand Boulevard and Flower Mound Road. ZPD 03-11 - Wellington Manor Pubtic Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for rezoning from Planned Development District-81 (PD-81) with Retail District-2 (R-2) uses to Planned Development District-117 (PD-117) with Single-Family District-10 (SF-10) uses. The property is generally located along the northeast quadrant of Bruton Orand Boulevard and Flower Mound Road.
LDR 01-11 - Mixed Use Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations by amending Section 98-897, "Relationship to the Town's Master Plan," and Section 98-898, "Applicability and Location," of the Code of Ordinances to limit Mixed Use development to Specific Plan Area 8 (SPA 8). (This item was tabled indefinitely at the March 28, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.)
LDR 01-11 - Mixed Use Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations by amending Section 98-897, "Relationship to the Town's Master Plan," and Section 98-898, "Applicability and Location," of the Code of Ordinances to limit Mixed Use development to Specific Plan Area 8 (SPA 8). (This item was tabled indefinitely at the March 28, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.)
LDR 01-11 - Mixed Use Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations by amending Section 98-897, "Relationship to the Town's Master Plan," and Section 98-898, "Applicability and Location," of the Code of Ordinances to limit Mixed Use development to Specific Plan Area 8 (SPA 8). (This item was tabled indefinitely at the March 28, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.)
LDR 01-11 - Mixed Use Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations by amending Section 98-897, "Relationship to the Town's Master Plan," and Section 98-898, "Applicability and Location," of the Code of Ordinances to limit Mixed Use development to Specific Plan Area 8 (SPA 8). (This item was tabled indefinitely at the March 28, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.)
LDR 01-11 - Mixed Use Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations by amending Section 98-897, "Relationship to the Town's Master Plan," and Section 98-898, "Applicability and Location," of the Code of Ordinances to limit Mixed Use development to Specific Plan Area 8 (SPA 8). (This item was tabled indefinitely at the March 28, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.)