RC 01-13 - Canyon Falls, Phase 1 Consider a request for a Record Plat to create a residential subdivision. The property is generally located north of F.M. 1171 and west of U.S. 377.
RP 03-13 - Pecan Acres Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for a Replat to create one residential lot, with an exception to Section 90-302, Concrete streets, as authorized by Section 90-301, Exceptions to street standards, of the Code of Ordinances. The property is generally located north of Pecan Drive and east of Birch Street.
ZPD 05-12 - Kids R Kids Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for rezoning to amend Planned Development District No. 36 (PD-36) with Commercial District-1 (C-1), Commercial District-2 (C-2) and Office District (O) uses to modify certain of the existing development standards for the Commercial District-1 (C-1) area and add a Specific Use Permit (SUP 408-12) to permit a day care center, with an exception to Section 82-302, Compatibility buffer, of the Code of Ordinances; an exception to Section 82-303, Compatibility setback, of the Code of Ordinances; an exception to Section 90-423, Underground utilities, of the Code of Ordinances; a request for a deviation to the required parking standard pursuant to Section 82-73 of the Code of Ordinances; and an exception to the access management policy and criteria, regarding driveway spacing, contained in the Town's Engineering Design Criteria and Construction Standards adopted through Chapter 32 of the Code of Ordinances. The property is generally located along the south side of Justin Road and east of Country Meadows Drive.
ZPD 01-13- Timber Creek Medical Park Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for rezoning to amend Planned Development District-114 (PD-114) with Retail District-2 (R-2) and Office District (O) uses, by amending the Development Standard(s) to add Hospital as a use that may be permitted with a Specific Use Permit approved by the Town Council in those areas having a base zoning district designation of Retail District-2 (R-2) or Office District (O) uses. The property is generally east of Long Prairie Road and south of College Parkway.
LDR 01-13- Amendments to Land Development Regulations Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations (LDR 01-13) by amending Subpart B, Chapter 82, of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Development Standards,"through the amendment of Section 82-181, 'Traffic Impact Analysis Required,"by deleting said section in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 82-181 also entitled "Traffic Impact Analysis Required"; by amending Chapter 90 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Subdivisions/'through the amendment of Section 90-301, "Exceptions to street standards,"by deleting Subparagraph B thereof in its entirety and replacing said Subparagraph B with a new Subparagraph B that exempts replats of existing lots in certain subdivisions from conforming to the Town's street design standards, and through the amendment of Section 90-402, "Minimum drainage standards,"by adding a new subparagraph regarding the "100-year Floodplain"; by amending Chapter 98 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Zoning,"through the amendment of Section 98-814, "Development Standards,"regarding Planned Development Districts by deleting said section in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 98-814 also entitled "Development standards,"and through the amendment of Section 98-1081, "Floodplain Prefix to District Designation,"by deleting said section in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 98-1081 also entitled "Floodplain Prefix to District Designation"; by amending Volume I, "Design Criteria,"of the Town's Engineering Design Criteria and Construction Standardsby and through Section 32-3, "Engineering Design Criteria and Construction Standards~Amendments,"by the amendment of Part B, "Technical Standards,"by amending Section VII, 'Town of Flower Mound Access Management Policy and Criteria,"by amending the paragraph entitled "Deviation and Dispute Resolution Process,"on Page B-VII-7, thereof, by deleting said paragraph in its entirety and replacing it with a new paragraph also entitled "Deviation and Dispute Resolution Process."
LDR 01-13- Amendments to Land Development Regulations Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations (LDR 01-13) by amending Subpart B, Chapter 82, of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Development Standards,"through the amendment of Section 82-181, 'Traffic Impact Analysis Required,"by deleting said section in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 82-181 also entitled "Traffic Impact Analysis Required"; by amending Chapter 90 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Subdivisions/'through the amendment of Section 90-301, "Exceptions to street standards,"by deleting Subparagraph B thereof in its entirety and replacing said Subparagraph B with a new Subparagraph B that exempts replats of existing lots in certain subdivisions from conforming to the Town's street design standards, and through the amendment of Section 90-402, "Minimum drainage standards,"by adding a new subparagraph regarding the "100-year Floodplain"; by amending Chapter 98 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Zoning,"through the amendment of Section 98-814, "Development Standards,"regarding Planned Development Districts by deleting said section in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 98-814 also entitled "Development standards,"and through the amendment of Section 98-1081, "Floodplain Prefix to District Designation,"by deleting said section in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 98-1081 also entitled "Floodplain Prefix to District Designation"; by amending Volume I, "Design Criteria,"of the Town's Engineering Design Criteria and Construction Standardsby and through Section 32-3, "Engineering Design Criteria and Construction Standards~Amendments,"by the amendment of Part B, "Technical Standards,"by amending Section VII, 'Town of Flower Mound Access Management Policy and Criteria,"by amending the paragraph entitled "Deviation and Dispute Resolution Process,"on Page B-VII-7, thereof, by deleting said paragraph in its entirety and replacing it with a new paragraph also entitled "Deviation and Dispute Resolution Process." F. ADJOURNMENT
RC 01-13 - Canyon Falls, Phase 1 Consider a request for a Record Plat to create a residential subdivision. The property is generally located north of F.M. 1171 and west of U.S. 377.
RP 03-13 - Pecan Acres Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for a Replat to create one residential lot, with an exception to Section 90-302, Concrete streets, as authorized by Section 90-301, Exceptions to street standards, of the Code of Ordinances. The property is generally located north of Pecan Drive and east of Birch Street.
ZPD 05-12 - Kids R Kids Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for rezoning to amend Planned Development District No. 36 (PD-36) with Commercial District-1 (C-1), Commercial District-2 (C-2) and Office District (O) uses to modify certain of the existing development standards for the Commercial District-1 (C-1) area and add a Specific Use Permit (SUP 408-12) to permit a day care center, with an exception to Section 82-302, Compatibility buffer, of the Code of Ordinances; an exception to Section 82-303, Compatibility setback, of the Code of Ordinances; an exception to Section 90-423, Underground utilities, of the Code of Ordinances; a request for a deviation to the required parking standard pursuant to Section 82-73 of the Code of Ordinances; and an exception to the access management policy and criteria, regarding driveway spacing, contained in the Town's Engineering Design Criteria and Construction Standards adopted through Chapter 32 of the Code of Ordinances. The property is generally located along the south side of Justin Road and east of Country Meadows Drive.
ZPD 01-13- Timber Creek Medical Park Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request for rezoning to amend Planned Development District-114 (PD-114) with Retail District-2 (R-2) and Office District (O) uses, by amending the Development Standard(s) to add Hospital as a use that may be permitted with a Specific Use Permit approved by the Town Council in those areas having a base zoning district designation of Retail District-2 (R-2) or Office District (O) uses. The property is generally east of Long Prairie Road and south of College Parkway.
LDR 01-13- Amendments to Land Development Regulations Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations (LDR 01-13) by amending Subpart B, Chapter 82, of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Development Standards,"through the amendment of Section 82-181, 'Traffic Impact Analysis Required,"by deleting said section in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 82-181 also entitled "Traffic Impact Analysis Required"; by amending Chapter 90 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Subdivisions/'through the amendment of Section 90-301, "Exceptions to street standards,"by deleting Subparagraph B thereof in its entirety and replacing said Subparagraph B with a new Subparagraph B that exempts replats of existing lots in certain subdivisions from conforming to the Town's street design standards, and through the amendment of Section 90-402, "Minimum drainage standards,"by adding a new subparagraph regarding the "100-year Floodplain"; by amending Chapter 98 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Zoning,"through the amendment of Section 98-814, "Development Standards,"regarding Planned Development Districts by deleting said section in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 98-814 also entitled "Development standards,"and through the amendment of Section 98-1081, "Floodplain Prefix to District Designation,"by deleting said section in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 98-1081 also entitled "Floodplain Prefix to District Designation"; by amending Volume I, "Design Criteria,"of the Town's Engineering Design Criteria and Construction Standardsby and through Section 32-3, "Engineering Design Criteria and Construction Standards~Amendments,"by the amendment of Part B, "Technical Standards,"by amending Section VII, 'Town of Flower Mound Access Management Policy and Criteria,"by amending the paragraph entitled "Deviation and Dispute Resolution Process,"on Page B-VII-7, thereof, by deleting said paragraph in its entirety and replacing it with a new paragraph also entitled "Deviation and Dispute Resolution Process."
LDR 01-13- Amendments to Land Development Regulations Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations (LDR 01-13) by amending Subpart B, Chapter 82, of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Development Standards,"through the amendment of Section 82-181, 'Traffic Impact Analysis Required,"by deleting said section in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 82-181 also entitled "Traffic Impact Analysis Required"; by amending Chapter 90 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Subdivisions/'through the amendment of Section 90-301, "Exceptions to street standards,"by deleting Subparagraph B thereof in its entirety and replacing said Subparagraph B with a new Subparagraph B that exempts replats of existing lots in certain subdivisions from conforming to the Town's street design standards, and through the amendment of Section 90-402, "Minimum drainage standards,"by adding a new subparagraph regarding the "100-year Floodplain"; by amending Chapter 98 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Zoning,"through the amendment of Section 98-814, "Development Standards,"regarding Planned Development Districts by deleting said section in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 98-814 also entitled "Development standards,"and through the amendment of Section 98-1081, "Floodplain Prefix to District Designation,"by deleting said section in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 98-1081 also entitled "Floodplain Prefix to District Designation"; by amending Volume I, "Design Criteria,"of the Town's Engineering Design Criteria and Construction Standardsby and through Section 32-3, "Engineering Design Criteria and Construction Standards~Amendments,"by the amendment of Part B, "Technical Standards,"by amending Section VII, 'Town of Flower Mound Access Management Policy and Criteria,"by amending the paragraph entitled "Deviation and Dispute Resolution Process,"on Page B-VII-7, thereof, by deleting said paragraph in its entirety and replacing it with a new paragraph also entitled "Deviation and Dispute Resolution Process." F. ADJOURNMENT