A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER B. INVOCATION C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN FLAG AND TO THE TEXAS FLAG “Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”
PUBLIC COMMENT To speak to Council during public comment, please fill out a comment form. •Speakers are limited to 3 minutes, a tone will sound at 30 seconds left and when time has expired •Please state your name and address when speaking The purpose of this item is to allow the public an opportunity to address the Town Council on issues that are not indicated as a "Public Hearing" on this agenda. Issues regarding daily operational or administrative matters should first be dealt with by calling Town Hall at 972.874.6000 during business hours.
TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT Update and discussion on: 1. Capital improvement projects 2. Economic Development projects 3. Financial Update
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council an opportunity to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, with the understanding a consensus of Council is needed in order for that item to be placed on a future agenda and in accordance with the Town Council Agenda Setting Policy (Ord. 65-15).
COORDINATION OF CALENDARS 1. The regular meeting scheduled for Monday, September 7 has been canceled due to the Labor Day holiday 2. A regular meeting is rescheduled for Tuesday, September 8
CONSENT ITEMS This part of the agenda consists of non-controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from Consent by any Councilmember by making such request prior to a motion and vote. 1. Minutes 8/3- Consider approval of the minutes from a regular meeting of the Town Council; Town of Flower Mound Fire Control, Prevention, and Emergency Medical Services District Special meeting; and Crime Control and Prevention District Special meeting on August 3, 2020. 2. November General Election- Consider approval of a resolution calling for a general election to be held November 3, 2020, for the offices of Town Council Member Place 2 and Town Council Member Place 5; establishing procedures for those elections; and providing an effective date. 3. HUD CDBG Consolidated Plan- Consider approval of a resolution authorizing the adoption of the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan, 2020 Action Plan, and Citizen Participation Plan for the Community Development Block Grant Program and authorizing the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town and submit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 4. SPAN Transportation- Consider approval of a Service Agreement for Demand Response Transit Service with SPAN, Inc., in an amount not-to-exceed $51,278.64, to provide transportation service for Town citizens who are age 65 or older and Town citizens with verifiable disabilities that prevent them from driving; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town.authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town. 5. External Auditing Services- Consider approval of the engagement letter with Eide Bailly, L.L.P., to perform external auditing services for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town. 7. TimeClock Plus Agreement- Consider approval of a licensing agreement with TimeClock Plus. 8. AT&T Tower Lease Agreement- Consider approval of a third amendment to a Tower/Ground Lease Agreement between the Town and AT&T located at 5701 Morriss Road. 9. BuyBoard Agreement for Traffic- Consider approval of the purchase of traffic signal cabinets, controllers, and traffic related products, in the estimated annual amount of$100,000.00, from Cubic ITS, Incorporated, through the BuyBoard CooperativePurchasing contract.
Phase II Cultural Arts Study- Consider approval of a Consulting Agreement with Webb Management Services to conduct Phase II (Business Plan) of a feasibility study for a Cultural Arts Center.
10. Town Budget Public Hearing- Public Hearing to consider the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 2020, and ending on September 30, 2021. 11. Crime District Budget Public Hearing- Public Hearing by the Town Council acting as the Board of Directors for the Town of Flower Mound Crime Control and Prevention District to consider the Flower Mound Crime Control and Prevention District proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 2020, and ending on September 30, 2021. 12. Fire District Budget Public Hearing- Public Hearing by the Town Council acting as the Board of Directors for the Town of Flower Mound Fire Control, Prevention, and Emergency Medical Services District to consider the Flower Mound Fire Control, Prevention, and Emergency Medical Services District proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 2020, and ending on September 30, 2021.
Tree Removal - Legends Path- Public Hearing to consider an application for a tree removal permit (TRP20-0014) for Lot 2, Block B of the Legends Addition subdivision. The property is located at 3755 Legends Path. (The Environmental ConservationCommission recommended denial by a vote of 5-1-0 at its August 4, 2020, meeting).
ZPD20-0003 - Morriss Commons- Public Hearing to consider an ordinance for rezoning (ZPD20-0003 – Morriss Commons Lot 8) to amend Planned Development No. 84 (PD-84) with Retail District-2 uses, by adding new concept plans for Lot 8, Block 1, of the Morriss Commons Addition. The property is generally located west of Morriss Road and north of Flower Mound Road. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 0 at its August 10, 2020, meeting.)
ZPD20-0004 - Iron Den PD-170- Public Hearing to consider an ordinance for rezoning (ZPD20-0004 – Iron Den) to amend Planned Development No. 170 (PD-170) with Campus Industrial uses and personal training studio to modify development standards related to building permit submittal deadlines to make certain required site improvements. The property is generally located south of Spinks Road and west ofGerault Road. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 0 at its August 10, 2020, meeting.)
SUP20-0005 - Lakeside Crossing Bldg 5- Public Hearing to consider an ordinance granting Specific Use Permit No. 463 (SUP20-0005– Lakeside Crossing Building 5(Smoothie King)) to permit a fast food restaurant with a drive-through window. The property is generally located south of Lakeside Parkway along and between Long Prairie Road and Northwood Drive. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 0 at its August 10, 2020, meeting.)
LDR19-0011 - Underground Utilities- Public Hearing to consider an ordinance amending the Land Development Regulations (LDR19-0011 – Underground Utilities)by eliminating Section 90-423 entitled “Underground Utilities,” of the Town's Code of ordinances, and amending Chapter 82 entitled “Development Standards” by adding anew Article VII entitled “Underground Utilities” to create new definitions and standards for underground utilities within the Town of Flower Mound. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 0 at its August 10, 2020,meeting.)
LDR20-0003 - Informational Sign Req- Public Hearing to consider an ordinance amending the Land Development Regulations (LDR20-0003 – Informational Sign Requirements) by amending Chapter 78 entitled “Administration” and Chapter 94 entitled "Trees," of the Town's Code of Ordinances to update the requirements and process for posting informational signs on subject properties. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 0 at its August 10, 2020, meeting.)
BOARDS/COMMISSIONS 1. Discuss and consider Outstanding Citizenship Award program and selection criteria.
FM 2499 at Waketon Construction Award- Consider approval of a Construction Agreement with Quality Excavation, LLC, for the FM2499 and Waketon Road Intersection Improvements project, in the amount of $1,136,463.60; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town.
20. Caddo Reinvestment Zone- Public Hearing to consider approval of an ordinance establishing a Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone for commercial tax abatement at2201 Spinks Road. (The Town Council moved to postpone this item by a vote of 5 to 0at its July 20, 2020, and August 3, 2020, meeting.) 21. Caddo Tax Abatement & Ch 380- Public Hearing to consider approval of a Tax Abatement and Chapter 380 Agreement with Caddo Holdings, LLC, for the economic development of Flower Mound, and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of Town. (The Town Council moved to postpone this item by a vote of 5 to 0 at its July 20, 2020, and August 3, 2020, meeting.) L. CLOSED MEETING the Town Council to convene into closed meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551, including, but not limited to, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, and 551.087 for consultation with attorney, and to discuss matters relating to real property, personnel, and economic development negotiations, as follows: a. Consultation with Attorney. Pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, the Town Council reserves the right to consult in a closed meeting with its attorney and to receive legal advice regarding any item listed on this agenda. 1.Bradford Park Stormwater and Rippy Rd Improvements b.Discuss and consider purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for parks, public rights-of-way, cultural arts center, and/or other municipal purposes and all matters incident and related thereto. c. Discuss and consider economic development incentives, including retail centers, corporate relocation/expansion/retention, senior housing, hospitality projects, and performance related to certain incentive agreements. d. Discuss and consider the recruitment process for a Town Manager and Interim TownManager, and all matters incident and related thereto. M. RECONVENE TO REGULAR MEETING The Town Council to reconvene into an open meeting to take any action deemed necessary as a result of the closed meeting. N. ADJOURN MEETING
A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER B. INVOCATION C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN FLAG AND TO THE TEXAS FLAG “Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”
PUBLIC COMMENT To speak to Council during public comment, please fill out a comment form. •Speakers are limited to 3 minutes, a tone will sound at 30 seconds left and when time has expired •Please state your name and address when speaking The purpose of this item is to allow the public an opportunity to address the Town Council on issues that are not indicated as a "Public Hearing" on this agenda. Issues regarding daily operational or administrative matters should first be dealt with by calling Town Hall at 972.874.6000 during business hours.
TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT Update and discussion on: 1. Capital improvement projects 2. Economic Development projects 3. Financial Update
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council an opportunity to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, with the understanding a consensus of Council is needed in order for that item to be placed on a future agenda and in accordance with the Town Council Agenda Setting Policy (Ord. 65-15).
COORDINATION OF CALENDARS 1. The regular meeting scheduled for Monday, September 7 has been canceled due to the Labor Day holiday 2. A regular meeting is rescheduled for Tuesday, September 8
CONSENT ITEMS This part of the agenda consists of non-controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from Consent by any Councilmember by making such request prior to a motion and vote. 1. Minutes 8/3- Consider approval of the minutes from a regular meeting of the Town Council; Town of Flower Mound Fire Control, Prevention, and Emergency Medical Services District Special meeting; and Crime Control and Prevention District Special meeting on August 3, 2020. 2. November General Election- Consider approval of a resolution calling for a general election to be held November 3, 2020, for the offices of Town Council Member Place 2 and Town Council Member Place 5; establishing procedures for those elections; and providing an effective date. 3. HUD CDBG Consolidated Plan- Consider approval of a resolution authorizing the adoption of the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan, 2020 Action Plan, and Citizen Participation Plan for the Community Development Block Grant Program and authorizing the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town and submit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 4. SPAN Transportation- Consider approval of a Service Agreement for Demand Response Transit Service with SPAN, Inc., in an amount not-to-exceed $51,278.64, to provide transportation service for Town citizens who are age 65 or older and Town citizens with verifiable disabilities that prevent them from driving; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town.authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town. 5. External Auditing Services- Consider approval of the engagement letter with Eide Bailly, L.L.P., to perform external auditing services for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town. 7. TimeClock Plus Agreement- Consider approval of a licensing agreement with TimeClock Plus. 8. AT&T Tower Lease Agreement- Consider approval of a third amendment to a Tower/Ground Lease Agreement between the Town and AT&T located at 5701 Morriss Road. 9. BuyBoard Agreement for Traffic- Consider approval of the purchase of traffic signal cabinets, controllers, and traffic related products, in the estimated annual amount of$100,000.00, from Cubic ITS, Incorporated, through the BuyBoard CooperativePurchasing contract.
Phase II Cultural Arts Study- Consider approval of a Consulting Agreement with Webb Management Services to conduct Phase II (Business Plan) of a feasibility study for a Cultural Arts Center.
10. Town Budget Public Hearing- Public Hearing to consider the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 2020, and ending on September 30, 2021. 11. Crime District Budget Public Hearing- Public Hearing by the Town Council acting as the Board of Directors for the Town of Flower Mound Crime Control and Prevention District to consider the Flower Mound Crime Control and Prevention District proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 2020, and ending on September 30, 2021. 12. Fire District Budget Public Hearing- Public Hearing by the Town Council acting as the Board of Directors for the Town of Flower Mound Fire Control, Prevention, and Emergency Medical Services District to consider the Flower Mound Fire Control, Prevention, and Emergency Medical Services District proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 2020, and ending on September 30, 2021.
Tree Removal - Legends Path- Public Hearing to consider an application for a tree removal permit (TRP20-0014) for Lot 2, Block B of the Legends Addition subdivision. The property is located at 3755 Legends Path. (The Environmental ConservationCommission recommended denial by a vote of 5-1-0 at its August 4, 2020, meeting).
ZPD20-0003 - Morriss Commons- Public Hearing to consider an ordinance for rezoning (ZPD20-0003 – Morriss Commons Lot 8) to amend Planned Development No. 84 (PD-84) with Retail District-2 uses, by adding new concept plans for Lot 8, Block 1, of the Morriss Commons Addition. The property is generally located west of Morriss Road and north of Flower Mound Road. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 0 at its August 10, 2020, meeting.)
ZPD20-0004 - Iron Den PD-170- Public Hearing to consider an ordinance for rezoning (ZPD20-0004 – Iron Den) to amend Planned Development No. 170 (PD-170) with Campus Industrial uses and personal training studio to modify development standards related to building permit submittal deadlines to make certain required site improvements. The property is generally located south of Spinks Road and west ofGerault Road. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 0 at its August 10, 2020, meeting.)
SUP20-0005 - Lakeside Crossing Bldg 5- Public Hearing to consider an ordinance granting Specific Use Permit No. 463 (SUP20-0005– Lakeside Crossing Building 5(Smoothie King)) to permit a fast food restaurant with a drive-through window. The property is generally located south of Lakeside Parkway along and between Long Prairie Road and Northwood Drive. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 0 at its August 10, 2020, meeting.)
LDR19-0011 - Underground Utilities- Public Hearing to consider an ordinance amending the Land Development Regulations (LDR19-0011 – Underground Utilities)by eliminating Section 90-423 entitled “Underground Utilities,” of the Town's Code of ordinances, and amending Chapter 82 entitled “Development Standards” by adding anew Article VII entitled “Underground Utilities” to create new definitions and standards for underground utilities within the Town of Flower Mound. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 0 at its August 10, 2020,meeting.)
LDR20-0003 - Informational Sign Req- Public Hearing to consider an ordinance amending the Land Development Regulations (LDR20-0003 – Informational Sign Requirements) by amending Chapter 78 entitled “Administration” and Chapter 94 entitled "Trees," of the Town's Code of Ordinances to update the requirements and process for posting informational signs on subject properties. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 0 at its August 10, 2020, meeting.)
BOARDS/COMMISSIONS 1. Discuss and consider Outstanding Citizenship Award program and selection criteria.
FM 2499 at Waketon Construction Award- Consider approval of a Construction Agreement with Quality Excavation, LLC, for the FM2499 and Waketon Road Intersection Improvements project, in the amount of $1,136,463.60; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town.
20. Caddo Reinvestment Zone- Public Hearing to consider approval of an ordinance establishing a Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone for commercial tax abatement at2201 Spinks Road. (The Town Council moved to postpone this item by a vote of 5 to 0at its July 20, 2020, and August 3, 2020, meeting.) 21. Caddo Tax Abatement & Ch 380- Public Hearing to consider approval of a Tax Abatement and Chapter 380 Agreement with Caddo Holdings, LLC, for the economic development of Flower Mound, and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of Town. (The Town Council moved to postpone this item by a vote of 5 to 0 at its July 20, 2020, and August 3, 2020, meeting.) L. CLOSED MEETING the Town Council to convene into closed meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551, including, but not limited to, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, and 551.087 for consultation with attorney, and to discuss matters relating to real property, personnel, and economic development negotiations, as follows: a. Consultation with Attorney. Pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, the Town Council reserves the right to consult in a closed meeting with its attorney and to receive legal advice regarding any item listed on this agenda. 1.Bradford Park Stormwater and Rippy Rd Improvements b.Discuss and consider purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for parks, public rights-of-way, cultural arts center, and/or other municipal purposes and all matters incident and related thereto. c. Discuss and consider economic development incentives, including retail centers, corporate relocation/expansion/retention, senior housing, hospitality projects, and performance related to certain incentive agreements. d. Discuss and consider the recruitment process for a Town Manager and Interim TownManager, and all matters incident and related thereto. M. RECONVENE TO REGULAR MEETING The Town Council to reconvene into an open meeting to take any action deemed necessary as a result of the closed meeting. N. ADJOURN MEETING