A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER B. INVOCATION C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN FLAG AND TO THE TEXAS FLAG “Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”
PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentation from CoServ regarding Capital Credit allocation to the Town of Flower Mound. 2. Certificate of Recognition for Town of Flower Mound volunteers, The Thallam Family.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Please fill out a speaker form, available in the Town Hall on the night of the meeting, in order to address the Council and turn it in to the Town Secretary prior to Public Participation. Speakers are normally limited to three minutes. Time limits can be adjusted by the Mayor as to accommodate more or fewer speakers. For additional instructions or to complete your speaker form in advance click here. The purpose of this item is to allow the public an opportunity to address the Town Council on issues that are not the subject of a public hearing. Any item requiring a public hearing will allow the public to speak at the time that item appears on this agenda as indicated as a "Public Hearing." Items that are the subject matter jurisdiction of the Town Council include Town policy and legislative issues. Issues regarding daily operational or administrative matters should first be dealt with at the administrative level by calling Town Hall at 972-874-6000 during business hours.
TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Update and status report related to capital improvement projects. 2. Update and discussion on Economic Development projects. 3. Update and discussion on new town hall and library expansion. 4. Update and discussion on the Morriss/Gerault Road Capacity Improvement Project. 5. Update and discussion on the Canyon Falls tree removal request.
The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council an opportunity to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, with the understanding a consensus of Council is needed in order for that item to be placed on a future agenda and in accordance with the Town Council Agenda Setting Policy (Ord. 65-15).
COORDINATION OF CALENDARS 1. The next Town Council meeting is a work session scheduled for Thursday, February 16, 2017. 2. Consider canceling the following 2017 meeting: July 3, regular meeting (due to Independence Day next day) Consider canceling and rescheduling the following 2017 meeting: September 4 (Labor Day), regular and reschedule to September 5 (Tuesday)
CONSENT AGENDA - Consent Items This agenda consists of non-controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from the Consent Agenda by any Councilmember by making such request prior to a motion and vote on the Consent Agenda. 1. Minutes 1/17- Consider approval of the minutes from a regular meeting of the Town Council held on January 17, 2017. 2.Minutes 1/19- Consider approval of the minutes from a work session of the Town Council held on January 19, 2017. 3.Calling election- Consider approval of a resolution of the Town of Flower Mound, Texas calling for a general election to be held on May 6, 2017, for the offices of Town Council Place 1, Town Council Place 3, and Town Council Place 5. 4.TxDOT warning siren- Consider approval of a resolution adopting a Multiple Use Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the installation of an outdoor warning siren on TxDOT’s highway right-of-way. 5.Bruton Orand storage tank- Consider approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Boswell & Reyes International, LLC., to provide construction materials testing services associated with the Bruton Orand EST Rehabilitation project, in the amount of $31,460.00; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town. 6.Purchase of aerial bucket truck- Consider approval of the purchase of one (1) 2017 Ford F-550 (upgraded from F-450) Regular Cab & Chassis w/Dakota Special Service Body and Versalift Aerial Unit for the Public Works - Traffic Operations Department from Sam Pack’s Five Star Ford in the amount of $102,662.00. 7.Purchase of pickup trucks- Consider approval of the purchase of two (2) 2017 Ford F150 Extended Cab Pickup Trucks for the Development Services – Building & Inspection Services Department from Sam Pack’s Five Star Ford in the amount of $51,632.00. 8. Purchase of equipment- Consider approval of the purchase of one (1) Case 750 M LT Dozer with attachments for the Public Works – Stormwater: Drainage & ROW Department from Associated Supply Company, Inc in the amount of $86,347.24.
REGULAR ITEMS 9.Timber Place, LP Support resolution- Public Hearing to consider a resolution supporting an application by Timber Place, LP to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for the 2017 Competitive 9% Housing Tax Credits for the development of senior/elderly affordable rental housing at Auburn Drive and Cross Timbers Road. 10.Marigold Housing, LP Support resolution- Public Hearing to consider a resolution supporting an application by Marigold Housing, LP to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for the 2017 Competitive 9% Housing Tax Credits for the development of senior/elderly affordable rental housing at Justin Road and Stone Hill Farms Parkway.
REGULAR ITEMS 9. Timber Place, LP Support resolution- Public Hearing to consider a resolution supporting an application by Timber Place, LP to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for the 2017 Competitive 9% Housing Tax Credits for the development of senior/elderly affordable rental housing at Auburn Drive and Cross Timbers Road. 10.Marigold Housing, LP Support resolution- Public Hearing to consider a resolution supporting an application by Marigold Housing, LP to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for the 2017 Competitive 9% Housing Tax Credits for the development of senior/elderly affordable rental housing at Justin Road and Stone Hill Farms Parkway.
L. BOARDS/COMMISSIONS (Bold text represents boards with vacancies) Discuss and consider resignations, appointments, or evaluations for the following boards or commissions: Animal Services Board, Cultural Arts Commission, Environmental Conservation Commission, Parks Board, SMART Growth Commission, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One (TIRZ #1), and the Transportation Commission. M. CLOSED MEETING The Town Council to convene into closed meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551, including, but not limited to, Sections 551.074, 551.087, 551.072, and 551.071 to discuss matters relating to personnel, economic development negotiations, real property, and consultation with attorney, as follows: a. Discuss and consider resignations, appointments, evaluations, reassignments, discipline, or dismissals for the following boards or commissions: Board of Adjustment/Oil & Gas Board of Appeals, Community Development Corporation, and Planning and Zoning Commission. b. Discuss and consider economic development incentives, including retail centers, corporate relocation/expansion/retention, hospitality projects, and performance related to certain incentive agreements. c. Discuss and consider purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for parks, public rights of way, and/or other municipal purposes and all matters incident and related thereto. Pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, the Town Council reserves the right to consult in a closed meeting with its attorney and to receive legal advice regarding any item listed on this agenda. N. RECONVENE TO REGULAR MEETING The Town Council to reconvene into an open meeting to take any action deemed necessary as a result of the closed meeting. O. ADJOURN MEETING
A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER B. INVOCATION C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN FLAG AND TO THE TEXAS FLAG “Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”
PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentation from CoServ regarding Capital Credit allocation to the Town of Flower Mound. 2. Certificate of Recognition for Town of Flower Mound volunteers, The Thallam Family.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Please fill out a speaker form, available in the Town Hall on the night of the meeting, in order to address the Council and turn it in to the Town Secretary prior to Public Participation. Speakers are normally limited to three minutes. Time limits can be adjusted by the Mayor as to accommodate more or fewer speakers. For additional instructions or to complete your speaker form in advance click here. The purpose of this item is to allow the public an opportunity to address the Town Council on issues that are not the subject of a public hearing. Any item requiring a public hearing will allow the public to speak at the time that item appears on this agenda as indicated as a "Public Hearing." Items that are the subject matter jurisdiction of the Town Council include Town policy and legislative issues. Issues regarding daily operational or administrative matters should first be dealt with at the administrative level by calling Town Hall at 972-874-6000 during business hours.
TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Update and status report related to capital improvement projects. 2. Update and discussion on Economic Development projects. 3. Update and discussion on new town hall and library expansion. 4. Update and discussion on the Morriss/Gerault Road Capacity Improvement Project. 5. Update and discussion on the Canyon Falls tree removal request.
The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council an opportunity to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, with the understanding a consensus of Council is needed in order for that item to be placed on a future agenda and in accordance with the Town Council Agenda Setting Policy (Ord. 65-15).
COORDINATION OF CALENDARS 1. The next Town Council meeting is a work session scheduled for Thursday, February 16, 2017. 2. Consider canceling the following 2017 meeting: July 3, regular meeting (due to Independence Day next day) Consider canceling and rescheduling the following 2017 meeting: September 4 (Labor Day), regular and reschedule to September 5 (Tuesday)
CONSENT AGENDA - Consent Items This agenda consists of non-controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from the Consent Agenda by any Councilmember by making such request prior to a motion and vote on the Consent Agenda. 1. Minutes 1/17- Consider approval of the minutes from a regular meeting of the Town Council held on January 17, 2017. 2.Minutes 1/19- Consider approval of the minutes from a work session of the Town Council held on January 19, 2017. 3.Calling election- Consider approval of a resolution of the Town of Flower Mound, Texas calling for a general election to be held on May 6, 2017, for the offices of Town Council Place 1, Town Council Place 3, and Town Council Place 5. 4.TxDOT warning siren- Consider approval of a resolution adopting a Multiple Use Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the installation of an outdoor warning siren on TxDOT’s highway right-of-way. 5.Bruton Orand storage tank- Consider approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Boswell & Reyes International, LLC., to provide construction materials testing services associated with the Bruton Orand EST Rehabilitation project, in the amount of $31,460.00; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town. 6.Purchase of aerial bucket truck- Consider approval of the purchase of one (1) 2017 Ford F-550 (upgraded from F-450) Regular Cab & Chassis w/Dakota Special Service Body and Versalift Aerial Unit for the Public Works - Traffic Operations Department from Sam Pack’s Five Star Ford in the amount of $102,662.00. 7.Purchase of pickup trucks- Consider approval of the purchase of two (2) 2017 Ford F150 Extended Cab Pickup Trucks for the Development Services – Building & Inspection Services Department from Sam Pack’s Five Star Ford in the amount of $51,632.00. 8. Purchase of equipment- Consider approval of the purchase of one (1) Case 750 M LT Dozer with attachments for the Public Works – Stormwater: Drainage & ROW Department from Associated Supply Company, Inc in the amount of $86,347.24.
REGULAR ITEMS 9.Timber Place, LP Support resolution- Public Hearing to consider a resolution supporting an application by Timber Place, LP to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for the 2017 Competitive 9% Housing Tax Credits for the development of senior/elderly affordable rental housing at Auburn Drive and Cross Timbers Road. 10.Marigold Housing, LP Support resolution- Public Hearing to consider a resolution supporting an application by Marigold Housing, LP to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for the 2017 Competitive 9% Housing Tax Credits for the development of senior/elderly affordable rental housing at Justin Road and Stone Hill Farms Parkway.
REGULAR ITEMS 9. Timber Place, LP Support resolution- Public Hearing to consider a resolution supporting an application by Timber Place, LP to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for the 2017 Competitive 9% Housing Tax Credits for the development of senior/elderly affordable rental housing at Auburn Drive and Cross Timbers Road. 10.Marigold Housing, LP Support resolution- Public Hearing to consider a resolution supporting an application by Marigold Housing, LP to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for the 2017 Competitive 9% Housing Tax Credits for the development of senior/elderly affordable rental housing at Justin Road and Stone Hill Farms Parkway.
L. BOARDS/COMMISSIONS (Bold text represents boards with vacancies) Discuss and consider resignations, appointments, or evaluations for the following boards or commissions: Animal Services Board, Cultural Arts Commission, Environmental Conservation Commission, Parks Board, SMART Growth Commission, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One (TIRZ #1), and the Transportation Commission. M. CLOSED MEETING The Town Council to convene into closed meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551, including, but not limited to, Sections 551.074, 551.087, 551.072, and 551.071 to discuss matters relating to personnel, economic development negotiations, real property, and consultation with attorney, as follows: a. Discuss and consider resignations, appointments, evaluations, reassignments, discipline, or dismissals for the following boards or commissions: Board of Adjustment/Oil & Gas Board of Appeals, Community Development Corporation, and Planning and Zoning Commission. b. Discuss and consider economic development incentives, including retail centers, corporate relocation/expansion/retention, hospitality projects, and performance related to certain incentive agreements. c. Discuss and consider purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for parks, public rights of way, and/or other municipal purposes and all matters incident and related thereto. Pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, the Town Council reserves the right to consult in a closed meeting with its attorney and to receive legal advice regarding any item listed on this agenda. N. RECONVENE TO REGULAR MEETING The Town Council to reconvene into an open meeting to take any action deemed necessary as a result of the closed meeting. O. ADJOURN MEETING