A. CALL WORK SESSION TO ORDER B. INVOCATION C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN FLAG AND TO THE TEXAS FLAG “Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”
E. ADJOURN WORK SESSION F. CALL SPECIAL MEETING TO ORDER G. CLOSED MEETING The Town Council to convene into a closed meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 to discuss matters relating to personnel as follows: 1. Discuss selection of and applications for Town Secretary position, and all matters incident and related thereto.
H. OPEN MEETING The Town Council to reconvene into an open meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 to take any action necessary relating to personnel as follows: 1. Discuss selection of and applications for Town Secretary position, and all matters incident and related thereto. I. ADJOURNMENT
A. CALL WORK SESSION TO ORDER B. INVOCATION C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN FLAG AND TO THE TEXAS FLAG “Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”
E. ADJOURN WORK SESSION F. CALL SPECIAL MEETING TO ORDER G. CLOSED MEETING The Town Council to convene into a closed meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 to discuss matters relating to personnel as follows: 1. Discuss selection of and applications for Town Secretary position, and all matters incident and related thereto.
H. OPEN MEETING The Town Council to reconvene into an open meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 to take any action necessary relating to personnel as follows: 1. Discuss selection of and applications for Town Secretary position, and all matters incident and related thereto. I. ADJOURNMENT