A. CALL BRIEFING SESSION TO ORDER B. BRIEFING SESSION 1. Town Council Boards and Commissions Subcommittee Reports. 2. Discuss Consent and Regular Items. 3. Discuss Future Agenda Items. 4. Discuss Council Communications. C. ADJOURN BRIEFING SESSION D. CALL MEETING TO ORDER
E. INVOCATION F. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN FLAG AND TO THE TEXAS FLAG “Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”
G. PRESENTATIONS 1. Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Flower Mound – One year anniversary recognition. 2. Presentation by Direct Development (David Watson – Managing Director) on the national, state, and local economic and development climate. 3. Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month (May) Proclamation
H. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Please fill out an "Appearance Before Town Council" form in order to address the Council, and turn the form in prior to Public Participation, or by 6:10 p.m. to Interim Town Secretary Theresa Fawcett. Speakers are normally limited to three minutes. Time limits can be adjusted by the Chair as to accommodate more or fewer speakers. The purpose of this item is to allow the public an opportunity to address the Town Council on issues that are not the subject of a public hearing. Any item requiring a Public Hearing will allow the public to speak at the time that item appears on this agenda as indicated as a "Public Hearing." Items that are the subject matter jurisdiction of the Town Council include Town policy and legislative issues. Issues regarding daily operational or administrative matters should first be dealt with at the administrative level by calling Town Hall at 972-874-6000 during business hours.
MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Announcements and brief discussion regarding recent and upcoming civic and social events, traffic issues, informational update on Town projects, capital improvement projects, reports about contacts with other groups and/or individuals about Town issues and projects, Town legislative and regulatory issues, informational responses to questions, and information sharing.
TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Update and status report related to operational issues, capital improvement projects, budget projections, grants, legislation, and regulatory activities.
K. CONSENT AGENDA - Consent Items This agenda consists of non-controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from the Consent Agenda by any Councilmember by making such request prior to a motion and vote on the Consent Agenda. 1. Consider approval of the minutes from a regular meeting of the Town Council held on March 7, 2011. 2. Consider approval of a resolution reappointing Ken Parr as the Town’s representative to serve on the Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD) Board of Directors for a four-year term ending May 31, 2015. 3. Consider approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Fugro Consultants, Inc., to provide geotechnical and material testing services associated with the construction of the Wilson-Carmel Park Phase I project, in the amount of $31,900.00; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town. 4. Consider approval of Change Order No. 7 for the construction of the Spinks Road Phase IV project, amending the contract with Ed Bell Construction Co., for a decrease in the amount of $66,761.60; acceptance of the project; authorization of final payment to the contractor, Ed Bell Construction Co., in the amount of $256,324.21; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town. 5. Consider approval of two firms to provide professional sanitary sewer evaluation survey services for a two-year period ending May 2, 2013. 6. Consider approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Alan Plummer Associates, Inc., to provide professional engineering services for the development of a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Initiative Plan, in the amount of $53,290.00, and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town. 7. Consider approval of naming the Wilson/Carmel Tract parkland “Flower Mound Gardens” and the Dunham Road Trailhead “Cross Timbers Trailhead.” (The Parks, Arts and Library Services Board recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 0 at its April 14, 2011, meeting.) 8. Consider approval of the purchase of installation services for aeration blower control system equipment, from Kellogg Brown & Root Services, Inc., through an interlocal agreement with the Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network, in the amount of $58,487.
L. REGULAR ITEMS 9. Public Hearing to consider adopting on first reading the attached ordinance granting to Waste Management of Texas, Inc., the right and privilege to operate and maintain the service of solid waste and recycling collection and hauling over, upon, along, and across the present and future streets, alleys, bridges, and public properties of the Town of Flower Mound. 10. Consider approval of a proposal to be submitted to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts for a Tobacco Compliance Grant to help defray costs associated with compliance, education, and enforcement of tobacco regulations; acceptance of money if the grant is awarded; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town.
L. REGULAR ITEMS 9. Public Hearing to consider adopting on first reading the attached ordinance granting to Waste Management of Texas, Inc., the right and privilege to operate and maintain the service of solid waste and recycling collection and hauling over, upon, along, and across the present and future streets, alleys, bridges, and public properties of the Town of Flower Mound. 10. Consider approval of a proposal to be submitted to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts for a Tobacco Compliance Grant to help defray costs associated with compliance, education, and enforcement of tobacco regulations; acceptance of money if the grant is awarded; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town.
L. REGULAR ITEMS 9. Public Hearing to consider adopting on first reading the attached ordinance granting to Waste Management of Texas, Inc., the right and privilege to operate and maintain the service of solid waste and recycling collection and hauling over, upon, along, and across the present and future streets, alleys, bridges, and public properties of the Town of Flower Mound. 10. Consider approval of a proposal to be submitted to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts for a Tobacco Compliance Grant to help defray costs associated with compliance, education, and enforcement of tobacco regulations; acceptance of money if the grant is awarded; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town.
WORK SESSION 11. Discuss the public comments received from the April public meetings and the designated public comment period relative to outstanding items following the Oil and Gas Advisory Board’s recommended amendments to the Town’s Oil and Natural Gas Drilling and Production Operations regulations.
A. CALL BRIEFING SESSION TO ORDER B. BRIEFING SESSION 1. Town Council Boards and Commissions Subcommittee Reports. 2. Discuss Consent and Regular Items. 3. Discuss Future Agenda Items. 4. Discuss Council Communications. C. ADJOURN BRIEFING SESSION D. CALL MEETING TO ORDER
E. INVOCATION F. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN FLAG AND TO THE TEXAS FLAG “Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”
G. PRESENTATIONS 1. Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Flower Mound – One year anniversary recognition. 2. Presentation by Direct Development (David Watson – Managing Director) on the national, state, and local economic and development climate. 3. Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month (May) Proclamation
H. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Please fill out an "Appearance Before Town Council" form in order to address the Council, and turn the form in prior to Public Participation, or by 6:10 p.m. to Interim Town Secretary Theresa Fawcett. Speakers are normally limited to three minutes. Time limits can be adjusted by the Chair as to accommodate more or fewer speakers. The purpose of this item is to allow the public an opportunity to address the Town Council on issues that are not the subject of a public hearing. Any item requiring a Public Hearing will allow the public to speak at the time that item appears on this agenda as indicated as a "Public Hearing." Items that are the subject matter jurisdiction of the Town Council include Town policy and legislative issues. Issues regarding daily operational or administrative matters should first be dealt with at the administrative level by calling Town Hall at 972-874-6000 during business hours.
MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Announcements and brief discussion regarding recent and upcoming civic and social events, traffic issues, informational update on Town projects, capital improvement projects, reports about contacts with other groups and/or individuals about Town issues and projects, Town legislative and regulatory issues, informational responses to questions, and information sharing.
TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Update and status report related to operational issues, capital improvement projects, budget projections, grants, legislation, and regulatory activities.
K. CONSENT AGENDA - Consent Items This agenda consists of non-controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from the Consent Agenda by any Councilmember by making such request prior to a motion and vote on the Consent Agenda. 1. Consider approval of the minutes from a regular meeting of the Town Council held on March 7, 2011. 2. Consider approval of a resolution reappointing Ken Parr as the Town’s representative to serve on the Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD) Board of Directors for a four-year term ending May 31, 2015. 3. Consider approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Fugro Consultants, Inc., to provide geotechnical and material testing services associated with the construction of the Wilson-Carmel Park Phase I project, in the amount of $31,900.00; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town. 4. Consider approval of Change Order No. 7 for the construction of the Spinks Road Phase IV project, amending the contract with Ed Bell Construction Co., for a decrease in the amount of $66,761.60; acceptance of the project; authorization of final payment to the contractor, Ed Bell Construction Co., in the amount of $256,324.21; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town. 5. Consider approval of two firms to provide professional sanitary sewer evaluation survey services for a two-year period ending May 2, 2013. 6. Consider approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Alan Plummer Associates, Inc., to provide professional engineering services for the development of a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Initiative Plan, in the amount of $53,290.00, and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town. 7. Consider approval of naming the Wilson/Carmel Tract parkland “Flower Mound Gardens” and the Dunham Road Trailhead “Cross Timbers Trailhead.” (The Parks, Arts and Library Services Board recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 0 at its April 14, 2011, meeting.) 8. Consider approval of the purchase of installation services for aeration blower control system equipment, from Kellogg Brown & Root Services, Inc., through an interlocal agreement with the Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network, in the amount of $58,487.
L. REGULAR ITEMS 9. Public Hearing to consider adopting on first reading the attached ordinance granting to Waste Management of Texas, Inc., the right and privilege to operate and maintain the service of solid waste and recycling collection and hauling over, upon, along, and across the present and future streets, alleys, bridges, and public properties of the Town of Flower Mound. 10. Consider approval of a proposal to be submitted to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts for a Tobacco Compliance Grant to help defray costs associated with compliance, education, and enforcement of tobacco regulations; acceptance of money if the grant is awarded; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town.
L. REGULAR ITEMS 9. Public Hearing to consider adopting on first reading the attached ordinance granting to Waste Management of Texas, Inc., the right and privilege to operate and maintain the service of solid waste and recycling collection and hauling over, upon, along, and across the present and future streets, alleys, bridges, and public properties of the Town of Flower Mound. 10. Consider approval of a proposal to be submitted to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts for a Tobacco Compliance Grant to help defray costs associated with compliance, education, and enforcement of tobacco regulations; acceptance of money if the grant is awarded; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town.
L. REGULAR ITEMS 9. Public Hearing to consider adopting on first reading the attached ordinance granting to Waste Management of Texas, Inc., the right and privilege to operate and maintain the service of solid waste and recycling collection and hauling over, upon, along, and across the present and future streets, alleys, bridges, and public properties of the Town of Flower Mound. 10. Consider approval of a proposal to be submitted to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts for a Tobacco Compliance Grant to help defray costs associated with compliance, education, and enforcement of tobacco regulations; acceptance of money if the grant is awarded; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town.
WORK SESSION 11. Discuss the public comments received from the April public meetings and the designated public comment period relative to outstanding items following the Oil and Gas Advisory Board’s recommended amendments to the Town’s Oil and Natural Gas Drilling and Production Operations regulations.