A. CALL BRIEFING SESSION TO ORDER B. BRIEFING SESSION 1. Town Council Boards and Commissions Subcommittee Reports 2. Discuss Consent and Regular Items 3. Discuss Future Agenda Items 4. Discuss Council Communications C. ADJOURN BRIEFING SESSION
G. PRESENTATIONS Presentation of the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies ("CALEA") Resolution to the Police Department by Ms. Trish Robinson, District Director for State Representative Tan Parker.
H. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Please fill out an "Appearance Before Town Council" form in order to address the Council, and turn the form In prior to Public Participation, or by 6:10 p.m. to Town Secretary Theresa Scott. Speakers are normally limited to three minutes. Time limits can be adjusted by the Chair as to accommodate more or fewer speakers.
I. MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Announcements and brief discussion regarding recent and upcoming civic and social events, traffic issues, informational update on Town projects, capital improvement projects, reports about contacts with other groups and/or individuals about Town issues and projects, Town legislative and regulatory issues, informational responses to questions, and information sharing. 2. Mayor Pro Tern Al Filidoro to provide his views on the Town's accomplishments and plans to enhance the overall quality of life for those that reside and own businesses within the community.
J. TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT 1. Update and status report related to operational issues, capital improvement projects, budget projections, grants, legislation, and regulatory activities.
K. CONSENT AGENDA - Consent Items This agenda consists of non-controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from the Consent Agenda by any Councilmember by making such request prior to a motion and vote on the Consent Agenda. Items 1-3
Consider approval of an ordinance providing guidance for Town staff, oil and gas operators, and others in interpreting the provisions of Town Ordinance No. 29-11 and Town Ordinance No. 30-11 and further amending Section 34-422(d)(2) of the Code of Ordinances to clarify setback variance distances.
5. Consider approval of an ordinance ordering a special election to be held on the 8th day of November, 2011, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the Town of Flower Mound, Texas, a ballot proposition to reauthorize the Street Maintenance Sales and Use Tax at the rate of one-fourth of one percent; providing for election officers; designating the places and manner of holding said election; and providing for the posting and publication of notice. 6. Consider approval of an order ordering a special election to be held on the 8th day of November, 2011, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the District a ballot proposition on whether to continue the Crime Control and Prevention District and sales tax at the rate of one-fourth of one percent; providing for election officers; designating the places and manner of holding said election; and providing for the posting and publication of notice. 7. Consider approval of an order ordering a special election to be held on the 8th day of November, 2011, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the District a ballot proposition on whether to continue the Fire Control, Prevention, and Emergency Medical Services District and sales tax at the rate of one-fourth of one percent; providing for election officers; designating the places and manner of holding said election; and providing for the posting and publication of notice.
A. CALL BRIEFING SESSION TO ORDER B. BRIEFING SESSION 1. Town Council Boards and Commissions Subcommittee Reports 2. Discuss Consent and Regular Items 3. Discuss Future Agenda Items 4. Discuss Council Communications C. ADJOURN BRIEFING SESSION
G. PRESENTATIONS Presentation of the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies ("CALEA") Resolution to the Police Department by Ms. Trish Robinson, District Director for State Representative Tan Parker.
H. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Please fill out an "Appearance Before Town Council" form in order to address the Council, and turn the form In prior to Public Participation, or by 6:10 p.m. to Town Secretary Theresa Scott. Speakers are normally limited to three minutes. Time limits can be adjusted by the Chair as to accommodate more or fewer speakers.
I. MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Announcements and brief discussion regarding recent and upcoming civic and social events, traffic issues, informational update on Town projects, capital improvement projects, reports about contacts with other groups and/or individuals about Town issues and projects, Town legislative and regulatory issues, informational responses to questions, and information sharing. 2. Mayor Pro Tern Al Filidoro to provide his views on the Town's accomplishments and plans to enhance the overall quality of life for those that reside and own businesses within the community.
J. TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT 1. Update and status report related to operational issues, capital improvement projects, budget projections, grants, legislation, and regulatory activities.
K. CONSENT AGENDA - Consent Items This agenda consists of non-controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from the Consent Agenda by any Councilmember by making such request prior to a motion and vote on the Consent Agenda. Items 1-3
Consider approval of an ordinance providing guidance for Town staff, oil and gas operators, and others in interpreting the provisions of Town Ordinance No. 29-11 and Town Ordinance No. 30-11 and further amending Section 34-422(d)(2) of the Code of Ordinances to clarify setback variance distances.
5. Consider approval of an ordinance ordering a special election to be held on the 8th day of November, 2011, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the Town of Flower Mound, Texas, a ballot proposition to reauthorize the Street Maintenance Sales and Use Tax at the rate of one-fourth of one percent; providing for election officers; designating the places and manner of holding said election; and providing for the posting and publication of notice. 6. Consider approval of an order ordering a special election to be held on the 8th day of November, 2011, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the District a ballot proposition on whether to continue the Crime Control and Prevention District and sales tax at the rate of one-fourth of one percent; providing for election officers; designating the places and manner of holding said election; and providing for the posting and publication of notice. 7. Consider approval of an order ordering a special election to be held on the 8th day of November, 2011, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the District a ballot proposition on whether to continue the Fire Control, Prevention, and Emergency Medical Services District and sales tax at the rate of one-fourth of one percent; providing for election officers; designating the places and manner of holding said election; and providing for the posting and publication of notice.