A. CALL BRIEFING SESSION TO ORDER B. BRIEFING SESSION 1. Town Council Boards and Commissions Subcommittee/Liaison Reports 2. Discuss Consent and Regular Items 3. Request Future Agenda Items C. ADJOURN BRIEFING SESSION
D. CALL MEETING TO ORDER E. INVOCATION F. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN FLAG AND TO THE TEXAS FLAG “Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”
TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Update and status report related to capital improvement projects. 2. Update and status report related to the Town’s mosquito control program. 3. Discuss Council Communications (CC). a. CC 26-12: Waketon Elevated Storage Tank Rehabilitation - Logo
Consider approval of the award of Bid No. 65-12-B, to Gridline Skateparks, Inc., for the construction of Skate Park project, in the amount of $282,750.52; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town.
Public Hearing to consider approval of a street name change for the entire length of West Windsor Drive between Long Prairie Road (FM 2499) and Bridlewood Boulevard; and adopt an Ordinance providing for said change. (The Transportation Commission recommended a ranking of proposed street names by a vote of 4 to 3 at its June 12, 2012, meeting.)
Public Hearing to consider a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP/SP 405-12 - Kroger Signature Store and Fuel Station) to permit a convenience store with gasoline sales use, and a site plan to expand an existing grocery store with an exception to the access management policy and criteria, regarding driveway spacing, contained in the Town's Engineering Design Criteria and Construction Standards adopted through Chapter 32 of the Code of Ordinances, and to consider adopting an ordinance providing for said amendment. The property is generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Cross Timbers Road and Long Prairie Road. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 1 at its June 25, 2012, meeting.)
11. Ridge Bluff Estates rezoning Public Hearing (This item postponed to the August 20, 2012 Town Council meeting at the request of the applicant.) Public Hearing to consider a request for rezoning (Z 01-10 - Ridge Bluff Estates) from Agricultural District (A) uses and Single-Family District-10 (SF- 10) uses to Single-Family District -15 (SF-15) uses, and to consider adopting an ordinance providing for said amendment. The property is generally located west of Simmons Road and south of Holly Lane. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 6 to 0 at its June 25, 2012, meeting.) 12. DP 02-10 - Ridge Bluff Estates on Lake Grapevine (This item postponed to the August 20, 2012 Town Council meeting at the request of the applicant.) Consider a request for a Development Plan (DP 02-10 - Ridge Bluff Estates) to develop a residential subdivision. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 6 to 0 at its June 25, 2012, meeting.) 13. Ridge Bluff Estates Tree Removal Public Hearing (This item postponed to the August 20, 2012 Town Council meeting at the request of the applicant.) Public Hearing to consider an application for a tree removal permit for the removal of two specimen trees on property proposed for development as Ridge Bluff Estates. The property is generally located west of Simmons Road and south of Holly Lane. (The Environmental Conservation Commission recommended approval by a vote of 4 to 0 at their June 5, 2012, regular meeting).
Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations (LDR 02-12) by amending Section 98-431, entitled "Purpose and Intent," of the Code of Ordinances to expand the SF-5 single family residential district use to areas designated as "high density" within Specific Plan Area #6 (SPA 6) of the Master Plan, and to consider adopting an ordinance providing for said amendment. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 6 to 0 at its June 25, 2012, meeting.)
Receive presentation from Laile Neal of the Property Standards Committee and discuss and consider any direction related thereto.
Receive presentation from Laile Neal of the Property Standards Committee and discuss and consider any direction related thereto.
The Town Council to convene into a closed meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551, including, but not limited to, Sections 551.087, 551.072, 551.074, and 551.071 to discuss matters relating to consultation with Town Attorney, pending litigation, real property, personnel, and economic development negotiations as follows: a. Discuss and consider economic development incentives. b. Discuss and consider acquisition and/or lease of real property for municipal purposes and all matters incident and related thereto. c. Discuss and review the Town Manager’s performance evaluation (Goal Setting). d. Discuss and consider appointments to the Animal Services Board, Board of Adjustment, Oil and Gas Board of Appeals, Community Development Corporation, Environmental Conservation Commission, Parks, Arts and Library Services Board, Public Arts Committee, Planning & Zoning Commission, SMARTGrowth Commission, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One (TIRZ #1), and Transportation Commission. e. Discuss review of Town Secretary job duties as a result of completion of Texas Municipal Clerk Certification Program course work.
O. OPEN MEETING The Town Council to convene into an open meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551, including, but not limited to, Sections 551.087, 551.072, 551.074, and 551.071 to discuss matters relating to consultation with Town Attorney, pending litigation, real property, personnel, and economic development negotiations as follows: a. Discuss and consider economic development incentives. b. Discuss and consider acquisition and/or lease of real property for municipal purposes and all matters incident and related thereto. c. Discuss and review the Town Manager’s performance evaluation (Goal Setting). d. Discuss and consider appointments to the Animal Services Board, Board of Adjustment, Oil and Gas Board of Appeals, Community Development Corporation, Environmental Conservation Commission, Parks, Arts and Library Services Board, Public Arts Committee, Planning & Zoning Commission, SMARTGrowth Commission, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One (TIRZ #1), and Transportation Commission. e. Discuss review of Town Secretary job duties as a result of completion of Texas Municipal Clerk Certification Program course work. P. ADJOURN MEETING
A. CALL BRIEFING SESSION TO ORDER B. BRIEFING SESSION 1. Town Council Boards and Commissions Subcommittee/Liaison Reports 2. Discuss Consent and Regular Items 3. Request Future Agenda Items C. ADJOURN BRIEFING SESSION
D. CALL MEETING TO ORDER E. INVOCATION F. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN FLAG AND TO THE TEXAS FLAG “Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”
TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Update and status report related to capital improvement projects. 2. Update and status report related to the Town’s mosquito control program. 3. Discuss Council Communications (CC). a. CC 26-12: Waketon Elevated Storage Tank Rehabilitation - Logo
Consider approval of the award of Bid No. 65-12-B, to Gridline Skateparks, Inc., for the construction of Skate Park project, in the amount of $282,750.52; and authorization for the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the Town.
Public Hearing to consider approval of a street name change for the entire length of West Windsor Drive between Long Prairie Road (FM 2499) and Bridlewood Boulevard; and adopt an Ordinance providing for said change. (The Transportation Commission recommended a ranking of proposed street names by a vote of 4 to 3 at its June 12, 2012, meeting.)
Public Hearing to consider a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP/SP 405-12 - Kroger Signature Store and Fuel Station) to permit a convenience store with gasoline sales use, and a site plan to expand an existing grocery store with an exception to the access management policy and criteria, regarding driveway spacing, contained in the Town's Engineering Design Criteria and Construction Standards adopted through Chapter 32 of the Code of Ordinances, and to consider adopting an ordinance providing for said amendment. The property is generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Cross Timbers Road and Long Prairie Road. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 1 at its June 25, 2012, meeting.)
11. Ridge Bluff Estates rezoning Public Hearing (This item postponed to the August 20, 2012 Town Council meeting at the request of the applicant.) Public Hearing to consider a request for rezoning (Z 01-10 - Ridge Bluff Estates) from Agricultural District (A) uses and Single-Family District-10 (SF- 10) uses to Single-Family District -15 (SF-15) uses, and to consider adopting an ordinance providing for said amendment. The property is generally located west of Simmons Road and south of Holly Lane. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 6 to 0 at its June 25, 2012, meeting.) 12. DP 02-10 - Ridge Bluff Estates on Lake Grapevine (This item postponed to the August 20, 2012 Town Council meeting at the request of the applicant.) Consider a request for a Development Plan (DP 02-10 - Ridge Bluff Estates) to develop a residential subdivision. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 6 to 0 at its June 25, 2012, meeting.) 13. Ridge Bluff Estates Tree Removal Public Hearing (This item postponed to the August 20, 2012 Town Council meeting at the request of the applicant.) Public Hearing to consider an application for a tree removal permit for the removal of two specimen trees on property proposed for development as Ridge Bluff Estates. The property is generally located west of Simmons Road and south of Holly Lane. (The Environmental Conservation Commission recommended approval by a vote of 4 to 0 at their June 5, 2012, regular meeting).
Public Hearing to consider a request to amend the Land Development Regulations (LDR 02-12) by amending Section 98-431, entitled "Purpose and Intent," of the Code of Ordinances to expand the SF-5 single family residential district use to areas designated as "high density" within Specific Plan Area #6 (SPA 6) of the Master Plan, and to consider adopting an ordinance providing for said amendment. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 6 to 0 at its June 25, 2012, meeting.)
Receive presentation from Laile Neal of the Property Standards Committee and discuss and consider any direction related thereto.
Receive presentation from Laile Neal of the Property Standards Committee and discuss and consider any direction related thereto.
The Town Council to convene into a closed meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551, including, but not limited to, Sections 551.087, 551.072, 551.074, and 551.071 to discuss matters relating to consultation with Town Attorney, pending litigation, real property, personnel, and economic development negotiations as follows: a. Discuss and consider economic development incentives. b. Discuss and consider acquisition and/or lease of real property for municipal purposes and all matters incident and related thereto. c. Discuss and review the Town Manager’s performance evaluation (Goal Setting). d. Discuss and consider appointments to the Animal Services Board, Board of Adjustment, Oil and Gas Board of Appeals, Community Development Corporation, Environmental Conservation Commission, Parks, Arts and Library Services Board, Public Arts Committee, Planning & Zoning Commission, SMARTGrowth Commission, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One (TIRZ #1), and Transportation Commission. e. Discuss review of Town Secretary job duties as a result of completion of Texas Municipal Clerk Certification Program course work.
O. OPEN MEETING The Town Council to convene into an open meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551, including, but not limited to, Sections 551.087, 551.072, 551.074, and 551.071 to discuss matters relating to consultation with Town Attorney, pending litigation, real property, personnel, and economic development negotiations as follows: a. Discuss and consider economic development incentives. b. Discuss and consider acquisition and/or lease of real property for municipal purposes and all matters incident and related thereto. c. Discuss and review the Town Manager’s performance evaluation (Goal Setting). d. Discuss and consider appointments to the Animal Services Board, Board of Adjustment, Oil and Gas Board of Appeals, Community Development Corporation, Environmental Conservation Commission, Parks, Arts and Library Services Board, Public Arts Committee, Planning & Zoning Commission, SMARTGrowth Commission, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One (TIRZ #1), and Transportation Commission. e. Discuss review of Town Secretary job duties as a result of completion of Texas Municipal Clerk Certification Program course work. P. ADJOURN MEETING